What sets The Village School Project apart is our focus on the community. We use a participatory and collaborative approach on our projects, directly involving the community in decision-making, ensuring that they remain at the centre of all our initiatives and that their vision is never lost. Another unique element of The Village School Project is that we are entirely volunteer run, meaning other than the small cost necessary to run fundraising initiatives and regulatory compliance purposes all donations and funds go directly to our community-focused projects.

How was the Village School Project founded?

The Village School Project was inspired after a visit by our founder to East Africa in 2007. Seeing first hand the desperate need for quality basic education she felt compelled to take action. In 2011 she gathered a team of passionate people who shared the same vision for providing quality primary education for disadvantaged young people.


Why primary education?

The Village School Project has made primary education their focus because of its critical role in poverty alleviation. No country can succeed and flourish without educated people. We also recognise the importance of education in wealth creation and improved health outcomes.


How does TVSP choose which projects to support?

The Village School Project works with in-country indigenous organisations to select projects to support based on two key criteria. Firstly, identifying those communities with the most need, and secondly the feasibility of the project.


What is your model?

The Village School Project has developed a holistic approach to tackling projects aimed at poverty alleviation. It is a four tiered model which includes project management, fundraising, partnerships and advocacy. By combining these four areas we are able to ensure that our projects are relevant, sustainable, representative, culturally appropriate and community-focused.